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2-2 Discussion Cultural Comparisons and the Triple Bottom Line

2-2 Discussion Cultural Comparisons and the Triple Bottom Line

Q In this module, you have learned about the ways organizations support their people, whether it be within the workplace or the local community. In this discussion, you will evaluate business practices that are not considerate of employees and communities, brainstorm reasons why the practices may have been established, and consider how they can be improved. For your initial post, select one of the following practices to evaluate: • Employee pay is low. • Employee training is limited. • Employee benefits are minimal; there is little paid time off or sick time available. • The workplace culture is described by employees as stressful, competitive, or alienating. • A business doesn’t give back to the local community in any way. • A business outsources many of its suppliers even though many local suppliers are available. In your initial post, evaluate your selected practice by addressing the following questions: • What general factors may have contributed to an organization or business implementing this practice? • What are some potential negative repercussions of the practice on employees, the local community, or the business or organization? • What benefits might employees, the local community, or the business or organization experience if a more people-friendly practice was incorporated? In your replies to at least two peers, address the following questions: • What specific initiative, practice, or change to your peer’s evaluated practice could improve community or employee support? • What are the benefits and risks of implementing your suggested initiative, practice, or change? • If you were the primary decision-maker, would you implement your suggested initiative, practice, or change? In other words, do you feel the benefits outweigh the risks? Why or why not? To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.

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As we have learned in the module people are a valuable asset to any company. Having said that running into issues such as low pay affects everyone, the business, the people, and the community. Some of the issues surrounding the issue of low pay are companies cutting Corners and only worried about the profits going into the owner's hands.